At High Altitude Honey LLC, we are an off-the-grid small family business whose honey comes from 8500ft. elevation in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. Because our hives are kept over 20 miles from the nearest town, and in the middle of a national forest, we can say our honey is as pure as you can get!

In the United States, using the term “organic” on honey labels is prohibited (if it says organic on the label the honey is sourced from another country), but that does not mean it isn’t possible to create organic honey here! In remote locations like ours, there are no agrochemicals or pesticides used within the flying range of our bees. We never use pesticides or herbicides in or around our apiaries, and our honey is never pasteurized nor filtered.

Our honey is a high elevation rocky mountain wildflower mix that is exceptionally light, sweet and creamy. Try our unique honey, a flavor you won’t find anywhere else, and taste for yourself!

Because our foraging season is so short – about two to three months in a year - our honey is small batch and limited quantity. All of our honey comes packaged in glass jars for environmental consciousness, and because we believe the elegance of glass jars compliments the unique honey our bees produce.

Also, because our bees reside in thick conifer forest, our honey is rich in the anti-septic and antibacterial resins the bees collect from the sap of conifers. Our raw honeycomb will have the highest amounts of these unique medicinal qualities.

Please feel free to message us with any further questions and we’ll be happy to chat with you!